Why Do I Need a Diploma to go to Beauty School?

January 2, 2016

If you’ve ever considered a career in cosmetology, the starting point for every program is a high school diploma. It can benefit the student as well as the school. For the short answer, yes you do need a diploma (or equivalent) to go to beauty school.

Here are a few reasons why you should attain a diploma or GED:

  • The ability to attain higher education
  • Financial aid eligibility
  • Potential for higher earnings

Read on to find out more information on the benefits of a high school diploma or GED, and who to contact for more information on what is required to attend Bellus!

Getting Financial Aid

While there are many benefits to obtaining a high school diploma or a GED, the most immediate need for a diploma comes down to eligibility for financial aid.

According to ED, students must be academically eligible to train at a post-secondary level in order to receive federal funding, which is what a great deal of students depend on to attend school. In this case “eligibility” means that a student has a high school diploma or GED equivalent that is considered valid by the Department.

If a school accepts federal funding for a diploma or GED that doesn’t meet Department standards, it can lead to dire consequences like pulled funding, or even the closure of the school. Make sure you choose a school that evaluates students for these requirements properly.

For students, a high school diploma is incredibly valuable because you may not be able to cover the total cost of education without aid of some kind. While this isn’t the case for everyone, we encourage all potential and current students to research different types of aid.

In addition, statistics indicate that people with high school diplomas or the equivalent typically earn more annually and are more likely to complete a higher education degree. It may not seem like it has a huge impact on your career options, but in reality, higher paying positions usually require more training and education. It all begins with earning a diploma (or equivalent) so that you’re in a position to move up.

How Can Bellus Help Me?

The benefits of having a high school diploma or equivalent are clear and abundant. The diploma is one of the most common prerequisites for higher education and employment so, regardless of your interest in cosmetology, it is a worthwhile investment of your time and energy.

Speak with a Bellus admissions counselor and find out what your next steps should be if you need a diploma. Don’t let the absence of a valid diploma or degree hold you back from your dreams of a beauty career!

If you already have a diploma and are ready to start, click here to learn how.

Bellus Academy is prepared to assist transfer students in their transitions to new programs. CALL US TOLL-FREE 1.888.990.7094 or TEXT “BeautyCareer” TO 95495 to schedule an appointment with an admissions representative and start your transfer process.

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