News from our Financial Aid Department
Guest Blogger Alex Alchimio, Financial Aid Officer (pictured Left, dressed as a FAFSA for Halloween 2010)
Greeting from the Financial Aid Office at Bellus Academy-Poway!!! I’m Alex Alchimio, the Financial Aid Officer for this campus. I would like to bring to everyone’s attention to the current status on the PELL Grant for the 2011-2012 fiscal year.
I must say, it was touch and go for a couple of months on whether or not the current administration was going to decrease the maximum grant amount to somewhere around $4000 for a full financial aid award year, and I was feeling a bit discouraged as the PELL grant generally increases each year.
You’re probably saying, “Alex, out with it!! Are we getting less free money or not??”
Here’s your answer, folks: No, the Pell grant is actually going to stay the SAME as it was for the 2010-2011 fiscal year. This means that maximum eligibility for the federal PELL grant will be $5550.
This is great news!! As a financial aid professional, I would rather have the PELL amount stay the same and be able to help my students maximize on all the programs the Department of Education has to offer to our future leaders!
Let’s just cross our fingers and hope that next year the grant increases, but until then let’s have a great year!!!