A Day In The Life Of A Bellus Academy Student

March 11, 2011

Guest Blogger Holly Bergeron

Every day as a Bellus Academy Student can be quite exciting. You never know what the day is going to hold for you. There are so many things to watch and learn everyday. You will go home with something fresh and new in your mind each day.

Every morning the day starts out with a group huddle. The first day of every week starts with a business huddle, which allows us students to see the progress we are making each week, including how many retail dollars we sold, what our average ticket was, and the overall outlook on what us as students bring into the school weekly. Our huddles also include seeing who the top 5 students of the week were. The huddles can be very fun, and motivating. It is a great way to start the day off.

After our huddles, depending on where you are at in the program, you will either attend theory, or study hall. These classes allow us to learn, study, and prepare for tests and all the knowledge we will need in our career.

Depending again on where you are in the program you will attend either your Freshman Class, which is where you learn all the knowledge you need for State Board. If you are in Inspiration, you will attend your classes, where you begin your hands on training on either dolls, or models. If you are a senior, you will be on the floor, where you will be able to take clients on a daily basis and learn what it will be like in a Salon Environment. Also at the end of your program there is a Senior Theory Class, which is a review of all the State Board procedures that were taught in Freshman Room. This is a great bonus to prepare you for the big day of your State Board Exam.

Being a Bellus Academy Student is great. There is always something exciting going on around you, and the environment is wonderful

– Holly Bergeron

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