Be a Trendsetter on with Bellus Academy’s Roberta Archer

April 25, 2014

Are you looking to share your work on Bloom?

Do you want to know how to stand out?

Bloom Trendsetter Roberta Archer explores how she uses Bloom to find inspiration and share her work with students, colleagues, and clientele. Learn how to be a trendsetter on with Bellus Academy’s Roberta Archer!

Be Proactive

Starting out with Bloom, Roberta was often surprised to find so many people using Bloom and looking at her page. She has made sure that every time someone likes her posts on Bloom, she goes to that individual’s bio and looks at what they are doing. This gets an interaction started that lends itself perfectly to online networking. She encourages all Bloom users to follow the practice of liking and following people who have talent and potential. The more you reach out in the Bloom community, the more you will build up a community.

Go For It

Roberta says some students may be shy about putting themselves out there but she advises all students to go for it and take pictures constantly, especially with before and after shots. Filling out bios fully is essential as well for others to have all the information they need as well as the ability to get a better sense of who you are.

She believes Bloom is one of the best things Bellus has done for students, as it is the most comprehensive platform. It gives students, alumni, and educators the ability to network with salons and products as well as to get involved with clients and other people for more education, ideas, and inspiration. We are so visual and hands on that the ability to see pictures of our work is fantastic. The iPads in student kits give the ability to show their clientele what they can do and offer more information with Bloom right there.

Be Authentic

One of her top tips to be a Trendsetter is to get your pictures out there. Roberta has a lot of nice professional shots she will upload, but she also puts up ones that aren’t professional. This puts a quality of realness into her work and attracts the everyday individual that may just be looking for a cool style to rock in class. Using a balance of types of photos is key. Utilizing this practice, Roberta was amazed by the hits she saw on her page.

On the Be Inspired section, you see that not everything is professional but people like it. People like things that are a little less than perfect. Sometimes users are clicking on the ones with the least effort put into them because they like the simple and basic looks they could realistically wear any day.

Be Creative

As an educator, Roberta tells everyone about Bloom and the wonderful arena of inspiration it provides. It’s crucial to always try new things and find new styles to incorporate as your own. Roberta sees amazing work being done and everyone has that amazing potential.

Be a Trendsetter

As a trendsetter, Roberta teaches in a lot of different little techniques that are not very complicated. She will use simple techniques, put the look together, and encourage students go for it their own. She works to help others succeed. To be noticed as a trendsetter, she says you must post everything you do on all social profiles with links. Everyone comes back to Bloom because it carries everything they need. Create a strong community by following others back and recognizing great work. Roberta has a folder to feature work of her friends, students, and coworkers. She features photos that she knows she is able to do in the event that a client asks for it.

Take a look at Roberta’s Bloom profile!

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