A Career in Cosmetology is NOT Shameful

November 17, 2016

You don’t have to be afraid to say, “I am a cosmetologist.”, or “I want to be a cosmetologist.” A career in beauty is nothing to be ashamed of.

We’ve heard of fat-shaming, slut-shaming, skinny-shaming and a multitude of other flat out rude, annoying and terrible ways to make people feel bad about themselves. In recent days on social media, we’ve even seen people shaming women for opting for a career over having children, or shaming mothers who are also high-powered business women. This insanity has to stop.

It’s Nothing New

Career-shaming is something that has long plagued the cosmetology industry. We’ve heard it all:
“Hairdressing isn’t a real job.”
“That’s a great job to have for a little while, but when are you going to move on to something better?”
“Hairdressing is just for girls.”
“Cutting hair is no way to make a living.”
“If you work in the beauty industry, you’re obviously a little vain.”
“You wear too much makeup. You shouldn’t promote cake face to little girls.”
“Don’t you want to have a job that can make a difference in the world?”

We need to put a stop to these comments now. No one should be shaming anyone for anything.

There are plenty of reasons that you need to be proud of your cosmo career choice.

Say it Loud

I am proud to be a cosmetologist.

I am proud to be a cosmetologist.

I am PROUD to be a cosmetologist!

Cosmetology is a valid career choice for men and women. Mothers and fathers. Single ladies and bachelors. If you have the determination and passion, you can make anything happen.

As a society, how do we define a successful career? Is it only if you have a 9-5 office job with a fancy title and a salary? Depending on the avenue that you choose to pursue in the beauty industry, you could have that type of career if you want to. However, that is not everyone’s dream. In the age where being an entrepreneur is highly respected, cosmetologists are the OGs of hustle. Cosmetologists sell their image and their skillsets, they balance budgets and appointments. These defining actions mark a successful businessperson, so don’t let anyone discount what you do as a cosmetologist.

Hairdressing is a real job. You have the opportunity to make your clients feel great about themselves. You have the power to change the way that the world sees you and your guests. There are not many occupations that allow you to have so much influence on your guests’ lives.

”Your hair is a permanent crown, wear it proud.”

The movies you watch, the celebs you gawk at and the magazines you read are full of the art created by talented cosmetologists. Cosmetology is everywhere. Do you think anyone told Estee Lauder at the height of her career that “beauty is a fruitless industry?” I don’t think so.

Whether you are tackling makeup, nails or hair, cosmetology is a rewarding job. The more confidence you can help people attain, the better off the world will be. The next time someone tells you that you need a new career, you can tell them they need a new outlook on life and cosmetology because this is the perfect place to be (in our opinion).

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