How Our Education Translates To The Professional World

Are you wondering what comes next after school?

Do you want to learn about how your skills can transfer into the real world?

Jennifer Blackwell shares her experience from Bellus Academy and how the education translates to the professional world!

Jennifer attended Bellus in a time when they were really ramping up the program and moving everything in a great direction. The program was getting better and her excitement matched the movement. Jennifer has been involved in the clinical side of massage as well as massage therapy. She is a TA for Bellus and works as a massage therapist for a chiropractor.

After her education she was prepped and ready to communicate with the doctor in terms of findings in client sessions with her medical background. Bellus gave her great information about the field she was interested in.

Jennifer speaks highly of the Bellus Academy career director. The department is always receptive to helping with resumes and looking for different types of jobs. She has continued to find immediate help from all of the offices and was supported by staff members who helped her get where she wanted to go.

She encourages students to check out the alumni posted career options on a consistent basis. It is important to always look past the education piece of it and find where your passion lies in the end goal of a career. It is not just about passing a final, but about what the final is going to help you know in the future. With that, Jennifer advises students going through program to keep an open mind and work hard. Students may start out wanting to work on the clinical side, but perhaps the physical demand of it may change your mind. There is a lot to know but also a ton of resources so you must keep at it!

Moving forward in life, Jennifer always has a plan B in mind. She loves massage therapy but knows that one day her body will break down. She would love to teach and she might become an instructor for massage therapy with her experience as a TA. She knows what it is like to go through the program and how important it is to implement the hands on job experience. The students have a wonderful opportunity to grow together with their ideas

Jennifer is so happy to be where she is now. She can go to work having a bad day and leave so happy. It does not even feel like it is a job as she enjoys every second in such a fulfilling job.

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